Monday, September 21, 2009

botanical #13: hyacinth bean

this is another late summer/early autumn treasure. i first saw these vines with their glossy purple bean pods in new york city, where i belonged to a community garden. a friend of mine who still lives in the city sent me seeds from the same plant, and for the past two years i've grown the vine here in connecticut. the bean pods are not edible, just pretty to look at. the purply flowers are a nice compliment to this creamy white bridal spirit doll.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

botanical #12: goldenrod

AHHH-CHOOO! people with allergies hate goldenrod. i love it. bees love it. and as far as complimenting the shiny autumn disco dress on this spirit doll, it can't be beat! goldenrod rocks!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

botanical #11: obedient plant

i associate this plant with two things: back-to-school, and bees. this is my 4th autumn here in connecticut; i am more connected with my garden and yard each year. i know when the obedient plants are blooming there will be mornings of freedom like i have now that my daughter is in school. i also know there will be packs of bees all around these flowers, gathering pollen in one last mad dash before it gets chilly. i chose this golden spirit doll as a contrast to the rich purple flowers around her.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

botanical #10: day lily

summer was over in a flash this year. i took this photo when the lilies were at their peak, and before the deer nibbled them. now it's september, and my early autumn flowers are putting on their show, so stay tuned for those posts coming soon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

botanical #9: snow on the mountain

i'm not sure what the real name of this plant is. some call it snow on the mountain. you either love it or hate it, because like the loose strife plant, it spreads. i appreciate low-maintenance gardening so for me it's great. i also think the leaves make a nice background for this juicy hot pink spirit doll !